Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mind. Body. Media.

Despite, being someone who is well aware of what it means to be healthy, I still struggle with maintaining a healthy body image. I understand that being healthy varies from one individual to another. One person's healthy may be another person's unhealthy. Thus, it is important that we as individuals learn what is healthy for us and work towards that. I think that in order to maintain a healthy body image one must change the way that they think as well as learn how to think as an individual. When people use what they see in the media as a guideline for what a healthy body is, they end up with a warped perception of what they should look like.

It bothers me that a lot of what I see on tv are quick fixes for those who are "overweight" or out of shape. No one wants to work to achieve a healthy, in shape body. In my opinion, this way of thought mirrors society's current mentality in a lot of ways. We're making everything faster, easier, and to require less work and effort. We want and have a short cut for everything, so much so that we are missing out on the essence of life and experiences. But I digress. All in all, I think we as people need to challenge ourselves to learn more about who we are and celebrate individuality. Act, dress, look the way we want to, not the way we think we have to.

1 comment:

  1. I like your point about thinking as an individual. I mean, really that's kind of powerful because whenever you doubt yourself, you're doing it because you have someone else in your head telling you that you're not good enough. Who is that person?! What do S/HE know about YOU?
