Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is blood REALLY thicker than water?

People always say blood is thicker than water. However, sometimes friends are there more than your own family is. Sometimes you can run to your friends before you can run to your family. Sometimes your family are quicker to throw you under the bus before your friends. Everybody has their own family issues, and I know some people who don't even interact with some of their family. Then again, I know some people who ONLY have family to lean back on. Sadly, that's just how the world is. Everybody is born into different situations. What do you think? How close do you think you and your family REALLY are? Is blood REALLY thicker than water?


  1. Sometime I Think It Is True but You Cant Always Think It Is True

  2. Sometimes family becomes closer over time. My sister were not as close as we could've been when we were younger. Sometimes I really regret it, but now she is one of the closest people in my life. And because I really don't want to regret not having a relationship with her, I do consider blood thicker than water at this point. I wouldn't want anything to come between us that would make us become distant again.
