Sunday, April 15, 2012


In my generation it seems as if the important things in life are the things that you pay for. Everybody have on the same thing and if you don't than you aren't known as "hood rich" and to be hood rich is to have the right hair, clothes, shoes, and even additude. People in my generation are known by just the way the way they keep the their hair, nail, and makeup done. People that look at them feels as if they are to be looked up to. Everyone wants to be in the hood rich group even though it's not important some how it became important. My generation don't understand that long weave and the new nikes don't make you who you are. I'll admit that I also like the nice things that life have to give, but I don't have everything that people would feel is the best things to have. I also know what's like to be in the spot of having everything. I saw what's like so I told myself that's not the way I wanted to live. I wanted people to see me for me and not for the things I have on. I have limited myself to everything I buy and wear because there is more to me than what I have on. I know that others only have to go off of what they have on, but that's not the case for everybody. I have came to understand that the way I was living ( hood rich) isn't for everybody for the simple fact that money is being wasted and it can be used for so much more in life. I still keep myself up but I have came to understand my limit and I love the way I live without worrying about getting the new shoes so that people still think that I'm hood rich.

1 comment:

  1. I think "hood rich" as you call, might not be just an epidemic for one particular group in your generation. I'm not sure why or who you call hood rich -- I mean I can speculate if I generalize some things, but I do think that people -- no matter what class they are in, seem to want lots of stuff. Generally speaking. I think that desire for "stuff" is what makes people judge others for the stuff they do or don't have. There are women who get mani/pedis all the time because they simply wouldn't be "caught dead" without one. And it's because they know that they will be looked down at for it. They will be judged and placed into a "box" if they don't.

    I'm like you though. I mean, I like nice things, but I don't let them rule my life. But I do feel judged when I am in a place where I know that material things are highly valued. It makes me feel out of place and sometimes self-conscious.
