Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Something I Used to Believe...

When I was younger, someone once told me that the fuzzy seeds from the dandelions were wishes. My confirmations in this belief were proven when I used dandelion "wishes" to ask for a brother. My mom was pregnant in the summer of 1991, and to taunt us with suspense, she preferred that no one knew the sex of the baby. I wanted a brother SOOO bad because, well, just because. I already had a sister, and at ten years old, this seemed like a perfectly legitimate reason. So did wishing on dandelions. The week that my mother went into labor, I was on a weed infesting spree! "I hope it's a boy not a girl, I hope it's a boy not a girl!" *huff, blow, huff, blow, huff, blow* *Pheeewwwwwww go the dandelion seeds into the neighbors' yards.*

Well, my mom had a boy -- a brother I now call Levi.  But, I also had a father who was irritated about having to dig up dandelions from his lawn. (Something for which he has a sense of pride, and is a story of its own.) So, the "wishes" worked...but I soon figured out that they didn't work for everything...like who would have thought it wouldn't get me out of changing diapers, or make babies stop crying?

When I think about it now, it seems so silly, but there are still time when I wish things could be magical and as easy as wishing on dandelions.

What do you think (or thought) is magical?

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