Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What kind of person are you?

Hey internet surfers,
     Here at Girl World 2.0 we are all about being a community of girls that can just chill and talk to one another without all the drama that can happen during the school year with uncooperative girls. Today like most days we had like a group activity that revealed what type of person we were based on decisions we made everyday. So you wanna try? I thought so, let's start!

1) You're going through a forest... describe it for me!
2) Are the trees full or dying? Close together or far apart?
3) Describe the path you're on... is it a dirt path or concrete?
4) There's a fallen tree in your path.. what are you going to do? Keep going or turn around?
5) You find a key on your travels... what do you do with it?
6)You happen across a house... what does it look like? Is it in good or bad condition? Is it empty or does it have stuff in it? How do you feel in this house?
7) You walk away from this house and get to a cliff..... do you stay or go back to the path to find some other way to your destination?

Now here's the drumroll.......

1) The way you describe the forest is how you feel right now.
2) The health of the trees and the number of them represent your friends and how good of a relationship you have.
3) The path represents where you are in deciding your future and how much faith you have in it, dirt being an unsure and beginning in thinking for your future while the concrete is more certain.
4) The tree detour is for you to determine if you will work to solve your problems or run away from them.
5) If you take the key then you use your tools to your opportunity.
6) The way you describe the house is how you feel and see your family and your relationship.
7) And your decision to stay at the cliff will say if you are a "smell the roses" or "final destination" type.

So that's all I wanted to share with you today, retake the test everyday if you want to change your answers.
See yah readers,


  1. Ha! SO glad you wrote this down...I want to try this test on my friends later!

  2. This is a great test to test peoples beliefs.! nice Nia:)
