"When a daughter enters a certain age that's when her relationship fails with her father." Who says This is really true? Ill tell you who. STATISTICS.!
• Daughters with Fathers who are involved are 40% less likely to repeat a grade in school
• Daughters with Fathers who are involved are 70% less likely to drop out of school
• Daughters with Fathers who are involved are more likely to get A’s in school
• Daughters with Fathers who are involved are more likely to enjoy school and engage in
extracurricular activities
Alex, School therapist, says "It is important for a daughter to have a relationship with her father because In some ways her father is the one who helps her with relations with other peers."
She says Some things a father can do to make his daughter feel comfortable talking with him is have boundaries and spend time with his daughter and Show her you as her father he supports her.
A father of 12 years says his relationship with his daughter is awesome. He says the real reason why girls act out is because they don't have a POSITIVE father figure in their lives. He believes if a girl had a positive uncle or grandfather in their life then that would be just as good as a father. Mr. Yolich says " A father plays the tough role of oh I have to protect my daughter no matter what and never really wants to go through the struggles of talking about when the girl gets her period or even her 1st boyfriend." He says in result of this girls start to keep things from their fathers and look for love in the wrong places.
I asked a father of 9 months how he plans to keep a positive relationship with his daughter. He says "I stand behind my daughter 100% and even if she does anything to disappoint me I will let her know that I'm behind he still and everyone makes mistakes. He says talking to his daughter and being understanding is a great way to keep her staying close to home.
A 17 year old daughter says she never had a "real" relationship with her father and that's the real reason she has 2 kids. She says all she wanted was to feel loved by the man who mattered most... Her father. I ask if she would have talked to her father about how she felt do she think it would have changed the outcome. Her answer was Simple. She said "No".
A 14 year old daughter says she Has the best relationship with her father. She says he comes home and check her homework, He the one who tucks her in at night, and if he has to work late he will call to say goodnight. I asked her do she tell her father everything and she said not everything, that's why I have a best friend. But my dad Almost knows everything. I ask as she gets older do she think the relationship will change? She answers yes especially when I start Liking boys but says she is not worried. Her father will stay in touch.
Wow, those are some pretty powerful stats. Where did you get them from? I would like to find out more information.