Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How 2 be Ghetto

Step one your clothes

Step two your hair      

Step Three Ghetto Petty Fights


  1. Hey Jada,

    I think this is a great way to bring up the idea of "ghetto". I think it's a word that gets used pretty loosely to describe people who might act and wear clothes, hairstyles, etc. a certain way, but "ghetto" also has very real, negative meanings. You have to be careful how you use it. Also, I know that I am posting my comment here, but this is just a reminder for everyone who is contributing to the blog. Calling someone "ghetto" is another way of stereotyping...so, just keep in mind, it can get offensive if you're not careful about how you use it

    Anyway...enough of my rant. :-D Keep up the posts. Maybe you could also do a post on something that you're good at that you can explain to us how to do it. :)

  2. Hey Jada,

    I think this stuff is crazy how people act like they have no home training i am so glad you did a blog about this
