Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to do a fishtail braid

Doing a fishtail braid isn't as hard as it may seem. Actually, I JUST learned this morning how to do one. So, here's a step by step process on how to do one.

Step 1:
It's actually better to do a fishtail braid while your hair is wet, but you can do it dry. I highly suggest putting moose in your hair, or wetting it FIRST.

Step 2:
Brush all of your hair back. Make sure it's nicely combed.

Step 3:
Comb out the middle EXTRA good. Grab two little pieces of hair. Cross one piece over the second piece.

Step 4:
Grab another piece of your hair, overlapping the second piece going the opposite way.

Step 5 and on...
Continue this process until your fishtail is complete.

There you go, wasn't so hard was it? For further help, you can always go to youtube to see visually.  Hope you enjoy (:


  1. Can You Use Your real hair if its like a 9 in instead of tracks

    1. Yes you can but like Shantre said the longer the hair the longer the braid. Either way, it's cute. Good luck (:

  2. Yeah but the longer your hair is, the longer the braid will be.

  3. I love fishtail braids. My mom used to braid ours that way sometimes I'm going to try it out over the holiday. Thanks for posting. :)

  4. (: I love fishtail braids, and I've always wondered how to do them. Thanks for posting this!
