I chose my topic because nowadays parents are bribing their children for incentives. The issue doesn’t really affect me it’s just that I don’t think that is ok to do that. I think that the only reason a parent should bribe their child is if they really deserve it and it’s for a good reason. My original opinion on it was maybe parents did that because they didn’t know what else to do so they bribed their child to get them to do what they was supposed to. It’s not ok for parents to do that because they will end up suffering from it in the long run because the child will be used to the parent doing those things.
The article that I found,”Parents buying off kids for good behavior” shows how parents do bribe their children to do what they supposed to. One of the ladies Kirsten Whipple that were in the article said that she bribes her son to do things because it was a thing that used to be done back in the day and it worked. So she decided that if she tried it might it work for her son when it came to him sleeping in his bed by himself or being good at school. My opinion didn’t change because I knew that parents do it and it’s said that they only do it to keep stress of them.
The people that I talked to were my sister, two teachers and the question that I asked them was “Do you think that kids get attached to people for a loving reason or because of what they are giving them? Is it ok for you to bribe your child? My final response on the topic is that everyone has their own opinion and their entitled to it.
My sister response was: That she thinks that some kids get attached for what someone does for them and some don’t know any better. It could also be because there not use to gifts so they just get attached by that. And she also doesn’t think that you shouldn’t bribe your child to do what they supposed to do.
Teacher 1 response was: They don’t feel that its kids fault that they get attached to someone because of what someone does for them. And that’s its ok to bribe you child because it will make them do what they supposed to.
Teacher 2 response was: They don’t really care weather a child gets attached to them or not, they do everything out the kindness of their heart . They feel that they don’t have to bribe their child to do anything as long as there disciplined and know what’s right from wrong there shouldn’t be a problem.
I don’t think that the issue will ever be solved because there are still people that still have different mind sets on the situation. I would like to know more about why parents don’t think it’s nothing wrong with bribing there child. Is it something about not knowing how to control their child or is it just so they can have a child out their hair.
Here’s an article that might interest you
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