The reason I chose to take up the topic about animals and the companionship they give people is because I remembered one day my mother and I was watching a special on channel eleven, and it talked about all of these people that had disabilities, and there was a program that a group of people made where they trained dogs to be good companions to people with disabilities. I would not say that this affects me but I do think that this is a fascinating topic to talk about. The reason I say this is because as I was watching the special I saw the process that they had taken the animals through and they had to pair them with people they thought they would most get along with. My original opinion about animals being good companions for people with disabilities I thought it was a good idea because animals actually make people feel better regardless of a disability or not.
I was reading this article about a women named Mejia-Schnaufer who was battling with depression and an eating disorder led up to her attempting suicide. Miss Mejia-Schnaufer met Sophia a rescue goat Sophia likes having stories read to her at the moment Miss Mejia-Schnaufer is reading the Hunger Games series to her and she said and i quote " I know she likes it because she has not tried to eat the pages." She also goes on to say “Before I came to the Gentle Barn, nothing gave me hope that life was worth living,” she says but when I met Sophie, I thought she had the most incredible calm and open energy. There was this flow of love back and forth between us that I was feeling so in need of.” this section came from (“ .
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