Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Some Rooftop Garden/Farmers' Markets guides:

If anyone is interested in checking out some more information on urban gardening and farmer's markets across the city (or to see how far the idea has spread nationwide), you can check out a few of these blogs that I found:

--Here's the official blog of the rooftop we visited at Weiss Memorial Hospital last Thursday 6/28/12.

-- Neighborhoods around the city are getting into the spirit of urban farming. Rogers Park, where I live has several small rooftop gardens, "ground" gardens, and farmer's markets. Here's information about people trying to develop more gardens in the Rogers Park area

-- This one is a favorite, as it is Rick Bayless's rooftop garden for Frontera Grill. If you haven't been to one of his restaurants in downtown Chicago, you may have seen his show on WTTW called Mexico One Plate at a Time. Frontera isn't the only restaurant doing this. If you're interested, check out Uncommon Ground's rooftop garden!

photo from

There's lots to be discovered about this topic in Chicago, and I hope that you'll all take a look at it some more. I think it's really interesting that this idea of urban gardening is so popular but not talked about as mainstream as it could be. Any ideas about why that might be? Can't wait to hear your thoughts and comments! :)



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