Some arguments are
that women should be able to get an abortion if they are raped. (It is argued
that in these tragic cases the great value of the mental health of a woman who
becomes pregnant as a result of rape or incest can best be safe-guarded by
abortion.) This means that if this event occurs women should get an abortion
just so that they their mental health is not damaged. Incest means sexual
intercourse between closely related persons.
This is reported
abortions in the United States.

Overall I feel abortion should be the woman choice whether
who wants them to go through it or not. I want women to know that they have
voice in everything. If someone wants to go through with an abortion they can
go to a clinic or see their doctor.
In the article I found it was basically saying all the views
on the topic such as why women should get it and why they shouldn’t get a
abortions. It did not change my view on the topic it just gave me an outlook on
what other people thought.
On this topic I read article on a woman who decided to get
an abortion because she was seventeen and could not take care of her child. Her
opinion did not surprise me because I agreed with her in saying she needed the
abortion because she was in her second year of college, didn’t have any money,
and didn’t have a serious partner. Her opinion did not match with the article.
I still feel women should have the choice to do what they
feel with their body, because women should be in control of every aspect of their
life. I would like to know more about it because it involves women.
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