Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shantre''s Beliefs..

a·bor·tion (noun): The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.
I've always been an advocate against abortions but now my beliefs are different. Now that I'm older I feel like if a person isn't ready to take care of another life whether it be mentally, physically or financially then by all means do what you have to do. Although they should "make up the bed they laid in" (take responsiblity for their actions), people make mistakes because we're all human. Yes, I understand that to kill is a sin and I also understand that protection should be the first percussion you take when having sex but everyone doesn't and everyone's situation is different.


  1. I feel the same. I think it was really brave to post how you feel about this topic, because it can become a pretty heated debate. But I think, and this is just my own personal view, which is similar to yours, is that I can live other people's lives. I absolutely believe that people should try to be cautious and think before they act, but in the end, I don't know what happened and for that reason (and a few others), it's not my business to judge a woman for having an abortion. Thanks again for posting. I can't wait to read more!

    -- C.

  2. I completely agree. I wish some people would stop being so close minded. You never know a person's situation. This is a very strong topic across the world. Like the Apollo said you are brave for posting this.
