Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Main Blog..! Longer School Day.

Topic: Against Longer School Days
            Education is the key to success, but as well what’s the point of having longer school days? The purpose of all this being said is because this all is going to take place this upcoming school year. People need to understand it’s going to hurt are students majorly in there academics. I choose this topic because I’m hoping somebody out there is willing to take this into consideration and stand up for us young people. This affects not just me but everyone in school who is at least trying to succeed with their education. The biggest increases were among minorities, with 5.9 percent of African-American students and 5.2 percent of Hispanic students dropping out. And nearly 40 percent of Chicago Public School students drop out.
            “Although the graduation rate in the Chicago Public Schools and many suburban schools has improved somewhat over the past decade, the staggering number of students dropping out affects us all, socially, economically, and competitively.” Said Daniel J. Schmidt. Williams, 18, was distracted by family problems and frustrated with teachers and curriculum. He began to question school and his future. Then, his friend told him about Voices of Youth in Chicago Education, a student-led organization aimed at increasing the 55 percent graduation rate by keeping students engaged in school. “What made me change that?” Williams said. “VOYCE was part. “He joined VOYCE to help other Chicago students who are struggling with school and the same problems he did. “I decided to keep trying because I’m not a quitter,” Williams, a senior at Uplift Community High School, said. “You can’t quit on certain things, you got to keep going, and VOYCE opened my eyes to see that.”
Williams teamed up with more than 50 students from 12 high schools and seven community-based groups in Chicago to research the issue and make recommendations to school officials. Students feel because they are closest to the problem, they are the ones that can help find a solution. A lot of grown-ups think they have the whole picture … for once you are actually getting ideas from a kid that’s dealing with the problem,” said Williams, who attends Uplift Community High School in Uptown. “I think VOYCE is going to make a major change in Chicago Public Schools because we know how the kids feel,” Williams said. “We know what they’re thinking.” This has not change the way I think about having longer school days. Yes it’s beneficial but it’s just going to hurt kids in the worse way ever.
I talked to high school kids, and teachers and not many of them are pleased of what’s going on. High school kids are the many ones that are not satisfied because if you think about school is letting out at 4pm then for those who are in sports still have practice which that will be until 6 or latest 6:30 then by the time they get home shower,eat,and do homework their goes there whole day. The question is what happens to those who have a job or want a job, but that opportunity could not apply to them. Their opinion does not surprise me because it’s true and we as kids are speaking the truth and would like some change to be done.
I care because this is the generation that will create the future. And with that being said many people are going to drop out and just do nothing with their life. The dropout rate will increase now with the longer days because the majority of high school students are not willing to sit in class for longer time periods and have extra classes added on to their day as well. Along with that, many kids are involved in different activities to keep them out the street or just doing something productive with their time, but with school letting out longer kids are not going to want to put their time in all that. For those kids who do, well that’s a positive thing and hopefully they will have some impact on others. People in the community will have to be more alert then what they are now, for what these kids are out there doing and just maybe the parents are out at work and there is just no supervision now in days.

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